Yishai Fleisher

Yishai Fleisher is a TV and radio broadcaster based in Israel. He produces and hosts "The Yishai Fleisher Show", the only English language talk show on Israeli broadcast radio. The show is aired on the Galey Yisrael radio station. Yishai founded and currently directs Kumah, a non-profit education and outreach organization dedicated to connecting the Jewish Diaspora and the public at large to Israel. Kumah produces live events internationally as well as written and electronic media content under its own Eye On Zion Media brand. Yishai has been featured on CNN, Al Jazeera[1], the BBC[2], various American talk radio programs, and other international and Jewish media.


Personal life

Fleisher was born in Israel to Jewish Refuseniks from the Soviet Union, and was raised in the United States. At the age of 17, Fleisher returned to Israel and served as a Paratrooper in the Israel Defense Forces. After being injured in Lebanon during his military service, Fleisher returned to the US. He completed an undergraduate degree in Political Science at Yeshiva University and a Juris Doctorate from the Cardozo School of Law. While living in the United States, Yishai taught in the children's Jewish education program at the reform Temple Emanu-El in New York, and worked on the media response team at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). He conducted research at the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, and led four Birthright trips to Israel. In 1999, Fleisher founded the not-for-profit Kumah and embarked on a campaign to promote North American Aliyah - immigration of Jews to Israel. He married a Texan and fellow Cardozo law school student, Malkah Bernath. Their wedding was held in Hebron in 2002. Together they emigrated to Israel following graduation in 2003. The Fleishers moved to the Jewish settlement of Beit El where they lived for seven years. Yishai and Malkah moved to eastern Jerusalem in 2011 and currently live on the Mount of Olives with their two children.

Israel National Radio

Fleisher is the former Director of Programming of the internet radio station Israel National Radio broadcasting out of Beit El (Bethel). He led Israel National Radio (INR) for seven years, expanding the lineup from two to thirty shows (including his own "Yishai and Friends" show). Fleisher built monthly downloads at INR to 120,000 per month and established it as one of the largest independent providers of radio content on Israel and the Middle East. During the Israeli "disengagement" from the Jewish communities in Gush Katif, Yishai moved to Gush Katif and reported daily on the activities taking place there as families prepared to abandon their homes or fought against the orders to move. The "Yishai and Friends Show" mixes hard news reporting with analysis combined with inspirational comments drawn from traditional Jewish sources. Among the scores of well known people interviewed on "Yishai and Friends" were American media personality Joe the Plumber, Dutch politician and film maker Geert Wilders, actor Jon Voight, and jurist Prof. Alan Dershowitz.

Galey Yisrael Radio

Yishai is currently producing and hosting "The Yishai Fleisher Show" for Galey Yisrael radio, a news talk show continuing the Fleisher radio style that deals with Israeli and Middle East politics, nationalism, culture, Jewish history, and tradition. The show is the only English language talk show on terrestrial radio in Israel.Fleisher regularly interviews Israeli and international politicians, thinkers and business leaders. Yishai and Malkah Fleisher, known for their work as a broadcasting team, usually appear on air together for a portion of "The Yishai Fleisher Show" featuring discussion of news of the day as well as their experiences living in Israel.

Eye On Zion Media and Live Events

In 2010, Yishai Fleisher launched Eye On Zion Media to expand the communications capacity of the Kumah organization. Fleisher directs and appears as the on-camera face of Eye On Zion Media films and videos with regular appearances from Malkah Fleisher. Eye On Zion video and film content is located on the EyeOnZionTV youtube channel and also on the ShalomTV on-demand cable network (available in 40 million North American homes). Eye On Zion Live Events are public talks given by Yishai Fleisher with extensive group discussion. The live event objective is to increase understanding about Israel and combat delegitimization. In the summer of 2010, Yishai spoke at 40 venues across 11 U.S. states including numerous college campuses.[3] In the winter of 2011, Fleisher spoke, among other places, at the Canadian Parliament, the Texas State Capital, Baylor Medical School, and University of Chicago Law School.[4]. Eye On Zion Media publishes online both selected recordings of live events outside of Israel as well as the public speeches and Torah lectures Yishai Fleisher gives in Israel.

Prior to launching Eye On Zion Media, Fleisher gave numerous public speeches in Israel. He addressed conferences including as a panelist at the 2008 Jerusalem Conference,[5] speaker at the first World Conference of the Noahide Nations,[6] moderator of a panel at the first Nefesh B'Nefesh Blogger Convention,[7] giving the keynote speech at the 2007 Manhigut Yehudit (Jewish Leadership) dinner in NY,[8] and speaking along with Knesset Members at the Havat Gilad political forum.[9].


Kumah (Arise in Hebrew) was established in 1999 as a force to "strengthen the national character of the State of Israel, solidify its independence, and aid it in reaching its potential to be a home for the Jewish people, a canvas for a cultural rebirth, and positive catalyst for Middle East regional and global harmony".[10] Fleisher argues that "Israel is the most exciting project of Jewish people in two-thousand years, and we should not miss the opportunity to be part of it." Kumah uses radio and TV, social media, music, articles, events, and advocacy to promote "a fruitful and flourishing Jewish state."

Through Kumah, Fleisher wrote and produced a popular internet-based film which was a spoof of the popular Matrix series. The film, called "Free Your Mind", features the protagonist Neo who is haunted by the question of "What is the Exile?" Finally, to the initial chagrin of his mother and co-workers, Neo comes to the conclusion that immigration to Israel is for him and he calls upon others to follow. The movie won critical acclaim and was reviewed in Israel's Maariv Hebrew daily and in the Jerusalem Post.[11]

Under Fleisher's direction, Kumah produced "The Aliyah Revolution Album". The CD is a collection of Aliyah-related songs by well-known artists, and all artists donated the rights to the music for the purpose of promoting Aliyah. Fleisher created the CD with the hope that it will play a role in motivating young Jews, especially on college campuses, to consider making immigration to Israel. Artists ranging from well-established performers The Moshav Band, Chaim David, Neshama Carlebach, Reva L’Sheva, Aaron Razel and Shlock Rock, to relative newcomers like Aharit Hayamim Hai and The Footsteps.[12]

Fleisher is also a strong advocate for renewing the centrality of Israel's ancient heritage sites, including the Tomb of the Patriarchs, the Tomb of Joseph, and the Tomb of Rachel. Fleisher was married in Hebron and continues to support efforts reconstitute Jewish life there. In preparation for the festival of Shavuot [Feast of Weeks] in 2009, Fleisher organized a group of Kumah volunteers to clean and renovate the Tomb of Ruth and Jesse [Yishai] in Hebron. The extensive clean-up and renovation involved the installation of top-quality furnishings, painting, light and water fixtures, cleaning, and arrangement of a stone courtyard outside the holy site.[13]

Fleisher has written and lobbied a bill in Knesset calling for a new civic/educational holiday called "Aliyah Day" and presented it at a Knesset conference about Aliyah.[14] Kumah's lobbying activities for the Aliyah Day law continue. The law, was submitted by MK Yaakov Katz (National Union) and MK Robert Tiviaev (Kadima), cleared the Minister's Committee for Legislation and now makes its way to the Committee on Signs and Ceremonies. In the bill’s introductory passage, Fleisher wrote, “Aliyah stands at the foundation of the State of Israel... and Israel strives to continue the process of immigration and the Ingathering of the Exiles. Public awareness is critical to this end… It is hereby proposed to establish Aliyah Day, designed to strengthen public awareness, especially among the young, as to the centrality of this value, via educational activities, public broadcasts, and public ceremonies. On this day, Aliyah will be discussed, commemorated and celebrated in schools, the Knesset and in the public arena. The State will thus commemorate the importance of past and future Aliyah, the elements that help it along, and of course the Olim themselves.” [15]


Fleisher has been widely published on issues pertaining to Israeli politics, Hebrew national culture, and ideas for a brighter Israel. Some of his sometimes-controversial articles are listed below:

External links


  1. ^ Al Jazeera video
  2. ^ BBC audio
  3. ^ "Eye on Zion" Summer 2010 event dates
  4. ^ "Eye on Zion" Winter 2011 event photographs
  5. ^ The Jerusalem Conference in Video and Audio
  6. ^ Noahide Nations Magazine Sep 2008
  7. ^ YouTube video of Yishai Fleisher speaking at the Jewish Bloggers Conference
  8. ^ Israel National News article about the 2007 Manhigut Yehudit (Jewish Leadership) Dinner in New York
  9. ^ The Havat Gilad Political forum Jan. 7 2010
  10. ^ Kumah.org About page
  11. ^ Jerusalem Post review of "Free Your Mind"
  12. ^ Makor Rishon review of "The Aliyah Revolution Album"
  13. ^ Israel National News article and feature video about the Hebron clean-up
  14. ^ HAARETZ article on Fleisher's "Aliyah Day" law which was sponsored by MK Yaakov Katz and MK Robert Tiviaev
  15. ^ Israel National News article about "Aliyah Day" quoting part of the bill